Play Groups
Children learn to share and communicate with one another and at the same time develop their fine and gross motor skills, language, cognitive and social skills through the various experiences that are programmed for them each week.
After School Programs
We provide the children with something to eat, help them with their homework and finish off with craft and educational games. We also enjoy outside play on the equipment.
Youth Groups
Our Liverpool Youth Connections programs run at Pirie Street, Liverpool. We also offer Shazaam - Year 6 girls group run for 10 weeks annually at the Warwick Farm Primary School.
Our Strive Girls group runs weekly at Warwick Farm Neighbourhood Centre.
Try Time - Year 6 Boys group run for 10 weeks annually at the Warwick Farm Primary School
Thrive Boys group runs weekly at the Warwick Farm Neighbourhood Centre.
School Holiday Programs
Warwick Farm School holiday program operates out of Warwick Neighbourhood Centre. We are open over the school holidays from 9:00am - 12:00pm 3 days per week for primary school aged children 5 - 12 years.
Supported Grandparents and Carers
These groups are for the seniors in our community to help reduce social isolation and to give them a safe environment to meet in where they can socialise with people of a similar age and circumstance. They regularly meet each week and enjoy monthly meetings, speakers and assorted activities.
Health & Fitness
Our health and fitness classes help people learn new skills, improve their fitness, improve their confidence and form new friendships. Classes include gentle exercise and yoga.
Food Relief
We offer Heckenberg Food Parcels fortnightly; Heckenberg Dinner in a Bag – as required and Warwick Farm/Youth Oz Harvest food parcels weekly
Outreach is about growing strong together. We provide programs to Cecil Hills Community Centre, Casula Community Centre, Heckenberg Busby Neighbourhood Centre, Moorebank Community Centre and Lurnea Neighbourhood Centre, primarily in social inclusion and education programs.
From playgroups to seniors’ programs, crafts, health and fitness, together we’re better.
Place-based Philanthropy
‘Place-based philanthropy’ means social investment in a geographic area. This location-focused giving seeks to bring together resources needed by the community to support the changes they wish to achieve.
Our program delivers change in Liverpool by bringing together partners to work with our local community in a creative and effective way.
The outcomes are growth in self-esteem and confidence for individuals, capacity building for people one-by-one and for the organisations that help them.
Business Incubator
Since 2014, Liverpool Neighbourhood Connections’ micro business incubator has successfully developed 32 small businesses ideas for women from the Liverpool area.
These women are now in a position to take their businesses further by selling their products online, at markets and in The Rising Collective Boutique.
The Rising Collective Boutique
The Rising Collective Boutique is a pop-up shop generously given to us by Liverpool City Council. With support from Sydney Community Foundation and The Office Space, women are able to display and sell their products at the shop all year round.
Strive and Shaazam
Shaazam is a 10-week program at Warwick Farm Public School for Year 6 girls. LNC works with the police, along with other facilitators, to prepare the young girls for high school. Once they are in high school they are invited to join the after-school high school program Strive.
Thrive and Try Time
Try Time is a 10-week program at Warwick Farm Public School for Year 6 boys. LNC works with Liverpool police, the NRL, Cricket Australia and Charity Bounce to teach confidence and leadership to boys and prepare them for high school. Once they are in high school they are invited to join the after-school high school program called Thrive.